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Conversations:  Global Educator Case Studies

Leveraging Technology for Collaborative Learning and Teaching

The Global Educator

The Global Educator: Leveraging Technology for Collaborative Learning and Teaching

Written and edited by Julie Lindsay, and published by the International Society for Technology in Education in 2016, The Global Educator: Leveraging Technology for Collaborative Learning and Teaching is for global educators and global education leaders who want to know how to take learning global.

This book provides essential pedagogical approaches and frameworks for global collaborative learning. It is also a collection of anecdotes, inspiring examples, case studies and resources. It is guaranteed to provide educators and education leaders at all levels of education new ideas and modes for connecting and collaborating with the world for meaningful learning.

Case Study 2.8: National, International Global Educator – Alan Preis

25 Sep, 2017 | Global Educator Case Studies | 0 comments

Alan Preis

Alan Preis

Alan Preis is currently the Director of Technology at Shanghai American School (SAS). For many years before that he held a similar position at Atlanta International School in the USA and very active with the European Council of Independent Schools (ECIS) organisation IT committee. Since venturing into an ‘international’ education position Alan has thrived on immersing himself culturally into life in China. When I was in China in 2016 I visited Alan at SAS and was most impressed with his developing command of Mandarin language.

In the Case Study Alan talks about how he sees ‘international educator’ synonymous with ‘global educator’ with both being about a worldwide view of education and shares,

While “international” speaks to the understanding of different cultures, “global” evokes the idea of seeing these different cultures as part of a connected whole and of forging connections between them.

Connect with Alan
Twitter: @apreis

Map of Asia Region. The National, International Global Educator

Map of Asia Region. The National, International Global Educator


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The Global Educator Case Studies are a unique collection from a period of time in online global collaboration, specifically the first 20 years of access to telecommunications, online learning and connective and collaborative technologies in schools and universities.

Click on the links below to access the case studies that are currently available. Additional pages will be published here soon.

Part 1: Global Educator Case Studies

Part 2: Global Education Leader Case Studies

Part 3: Online Global Collaboration Case Studies

  • 3.1 Mali Bickley: Good collaboration is good teaching
  • 3.2 FCGP Amy, Sheri, Perla, Ann, Cindy, Roger, Brian, Andrew
  • 3.3 Early years collaboration - Leah, Devon
  • 3.4 Leadership for successful online global collaboration
  • 3.5 One million lights, Tracey
  • 3.6 Global STEM Learners, Janice Mak
  • 3.7 Global Read Aloud, Pernille Ripp
  • 3.8 The Travelling Rhinos Project, Karen
  • 3.9 The Working World
  • 3.10 FCGE Kate, Katrina, Louisa, Dianne, Katie, Bonnie

Part 4: Take Learning Global Case Studies
