In person or online, Julie is adept at providing stimulating and informative keynotes, presentations, webinars and workshops to educators and leaders anywhere, anytime. Each event is research-based and usually focuses on her extensive experience with emerging technologies and collaborative learning including tools, curriculum design, management strategies, leadership and more.
Julie is passionate about connecting and collaborating with the world for meaningful learning experiences infused with digital technologies. As a keynote speaker she can talk about paradigm shifts in teaching and learning, teacher social change impacted by new pedagogies and share relevant and current examples.
Featured Presentations
Speaking Engagements and Multimedia
January, 2024. Invited panel member for Times Higher Education (THE) global Campus Webinar, “Can universities keep pace with digital transformation?”
2022-present, Balancing the Shift Podcast, co-presenter.
August, 2023. Invited Speaker, EduTech Conference, Melbourne, Australia, “Flexible pathways: Providing equivalent opportunity for all learners”
2022. Co-developed online course for the FutureLearn platform: Introduction to HyFlex Learning and Teaching
March 29, 2019. SLAV (State Library Association of Victoria), Australia.
- Invited Keynote: Presentation: New perspectives on building capacity for global connections and collaborations.
- Invited Workshop leader: How to develop a global collaborator mindset.
March 20-21, 2029. National Future Schools Conference, Melbourne. Invited Spotlight speaker: The global collaborator mindset. Post-conference recording
November, 2018. ASCILITE 2018, Geelong, Australia. The dimensions of being open: What does open educational practice look like in Australia
October, 2018. ACCE (Australian Council for Computers in Australia) Conference, Sydney – Academic paper – Pedagogical practices of K-12 online global collaborative educators (paper) (slides)
July, 2018. T21C event at Hillcrest Christian College. Getting started with online collaborative learning
June, 2018. Improving University Teaching conference, Port Macquarie, Australia. ‘Holistic approaches to online collaborative learning design‘
December 2017 – ASCILITE 2017, Toowoomba, Australia. Lindsay, J. & Redmond, P. (2017). Online global collaboration – affordances and inhibitors. In H. Partridge, K. Davis, & J. Thomas. (Eds.), Me, Us, IT! Proceedings ASCILITE 2017: 34th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education. (pp. 293-303). Retrieved from
Lindsay, J. (2017, November). Global collaboration – Learning on the edge. Invited Learn2Talk. Learning2 Asia, Shanghai, China.
June 2017 – Invited Speaker, Online and E-Learning Conference (Higher-Ed), Sydney, Australia
May 2017 – Invited Speaker, Hawker Brownlow Conference, Melbourne, Australia
Lindsay, J. (2016, October 31). Global narratives – Collaboration on the edge. Video Trilogy Keynote, K12 Online Conference 2016.
EdTalks. (2016, October 31). CENZ presents Julie Lindsay. uLearn Ed Talk.
October 5, 2016 – Invited Spotlight – uLEARN Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand
Lindsay, J. (2016). What if we collaborated? Invited Keynote, Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) Conference 2016.
June, 2016 – Speaker and Workshop Leader – ISTE Conference 2016, Denver, USA
June 25, 2016 – Invited Speaker, Intel Visionaries Conference, Denver, USA
June 7, 2016 – Invited Speaker – Education Nation Conference, Sydney
May 30, 2016 – Invited Speaker – EduTech International Congress and Expo, Brisbane
April 4, 2016 – Invited Keynote, “Becoming a global educator”, Federation University Partner Forum, Ballarat, Victoria
February 27, 2016 – Invited Keynote, HASS SA Conference for Humanities and Social Science Teachers, Adelaide. “It’s time! Shift learning from local to global”
November, 2015 – Invited Keynote, Global Education Conference, Virtual. “Connect with China Collaborative and Global Perspectives”
July 15, 2015 – Invited Keynote, EdTech SA Conference, Adelaide. “Who said global collaboration was hard?”
June, 2015 – Speaker and Workshop leader, ISTE Conference, Philadelphia, USA. “Putting the ‘global’ into online collaboration”
April, 2015 – Invited Speaker – Connected Learning Summit, Melbourne
February, 2015 – Invited Keynote, Oze-Live online conference, Virtual. “Student Autonomy for Flat Learning and Global Collaboration”
November, 2014 – Speaker, The Global Education Conference, Virtual. “Flat Students-Flat Learning-Global Understanding”
November, 2014 – Invited Panel Moderator for WISE 2014 Conference, Doha, Qatar. “Exploring the learning experience through cognitive science”
October, 2014 – Invited Speaker, Teach Meet NZ, Virtual. “Beyond global connectedness – What’s next”
October, 2014 – Invited Speaker, Connected Educator Month for Core Education New Zealand. “Flat Students – Global Learning”
September, 2014 – Speaker and Workshop Leader ACEC (Australian Computer Educators Conference), Adelaide. “Leadership for Digital Citizenship Action” and “Global Competence and Social Change”
June, 2014 – Speaker, ISTE Conference, Atlanta, USA. “Foster Global Competence”
June, 2014 – Invited Speaker, Asia Education Foundation Conference, Sydney. “Students Crossing Global Borders”
November, 2013 – Invited Keynote, The Global Education Conference, Virtual. “How to Go Global – Lead, Learn, League”
July, 2013 – Invited Keynote, iEARN Conference, Doha, Qatar. “Technology Enabled Collaboration to Build a Better World”